Terms and Conditions

Healthasion LLC
Effective Date:  March 27, 2023

Healthasion LLC (“Healthasion,” “we,” “us” or “our”) prepared the information contained on this Website https://healthasion.com  only as general information to permit you to learn more about our firm, our services and the experience of our consulting work and should be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy https://www.healthasion.com/privacy-policy and Cookie Policy https://www.healthasion.com/cookie-policy.

If you do not agree with any of these policies or terms, discontinue use of the Website immediately.

The information presented on this Website is general and not specific to you or your business and provided on an as-is basis without any implied or express warranties of any kind.  The information may not be current, correct or complete, and is subject to change without notice. You should not rely upon this information for any other purpose. 

On-Line Contact Us Form

If you have a project for which we can perform services for you, you are encouraged to contact us by completing and submitting our on-line Contact Us form.  We collect your first name, last name and email address.  Please do not provide any confidential, proprietary or sensitive personal information as your response may not be protected.

Based in the United States

Healthasion is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of California. The servers that host this Website are in the United States, and any personal information you provide to us will be processed in the United States. By using this Website, you will transfer data to the United States.

 If you are visiting from the European Union or other regions in the world with laws governing data collection and use, please note that you are agreeing to the transfer of your information to the United States and processing globally. By providing your information you consent to any transfer and processing in accordance with this Policy.


We and our licensors own all right, title and interest in and to all content on this Website including, but not limited to information, trademarks, tradenames, service marks, logos, images, illustrations, designs, icons, photographs, video clips, software, and written and other materials that are part of this Website (“Content”). Content is protected under copyright laws.  You are granted only the limited right to read the Content for your personal, temporary, non-commercial, informational purposes and use the on-line Contact Form.  Content may not otherwise be copied, reproduced, stored, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the prior written permission from Healthasion.  Any other use will be deemed unlawful infringement and misappropriation. All other rights are reserved in Healthasion and its licensors.


IP Address, etc.

When you access our Website, we automatically collect your computer’s internet protocol (IP) address and other technical information about your computer and site usage, namely, your browser type and version, internet service provider, time zone setting, referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamps and/or clickstream data. We also use cookies and similar tracking technologies on our Website. For more information, please see our Cookie Policy https://www.healthasion.com/cookie-policy.


The Website may contain links to other websites which connect you with other websites which are operated by parties over whom Healthasion has no control. These links are provided only as a convenience to you, and Healthasion does not assume any responsibility nor endorse such other websites. If you decide to access any of the third-party websites linked to the Website, you do so entirely at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such websites.


No Warranty or Liability

The Content presented on this Website is provided "as is" without any representations or warranties of any kind including, for example, but not exclusion, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, noninfringement or quality.  We do not represent or warrant that Content is or will be always up-to-date, complete, or accurate.   Any representation or warranty that might be otherwise implied is expressly disclaimed.  

You agree that we are not liable to you or others, in any way or for any damages of any kind or under any theory, arising from this Website, or your access to or use of or reliance on the Content, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental, punitive or cover damages, loss of goodwill or other economic damages or liability or damages under contract or tort theories regardless of prior notice to us.


These Terms of Use and all policies and documents referenced in these Terms of Use, form the entire agreement between you and Healthasion, and supersede all prior negotiations, understandings or agreements (oral or written), between you and Healthasion about the subject matter of these Terms of Use and can be modified only in writing signed by both of you and Healthasion. You acknowledge and agree that the provisions, disclosures and disclaimers contained in these Terms of Use are fair and reasonable and your agreement to follow and be bound to them is not the result of fraud, duress or undue influence exercised upon you by any person or entity. There are no representations, promises, warranties or undertakings by Healthasion contrary to those set forth above.

The failure of a party to enforce its rights under these Terms of Use at any time for any period will not be construed as a waiver of such rights. If any provision of these Terms of Use, including the Privacy Policy or Cookie Policy is determined to be illegal or unenforceable, that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that these Terms of Use, including the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, will otherwise remain in full force and effect and be enforceable.

Any disputes concerning this Website and the Content are governed by California law (without regard to conflicts of law principles), and any proceeding which may arise out of or in connection with this Website will be brought solely in a court in San Diego County, California. The prevailing party in any action relating to these Terms of Use is entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

The parties are independent contractors, joint venturers or partners of each other and not the employer, employee, agent or representative of the other party.

The English version of these Terms of Use governs. All disputes, claims and causes of action (and related proceedings) will be communicated in English.

 We may revise and update these Terms of Use from time to time in our sole discretion.  If we make a material change to these Terms of Use, we will post a notice of those changes on the Website or notify you by email (sent to the email address specified in your account) prior to the change becoming effective. You are bound by changes to these Terms of Use when you use the Website after those changes have been posted on the Website or have been emailed to you. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest version of these Terms of Use.

 If you have any questions about these Terms of Use or your dealings with the Website, including any inaccuracies or errors or materials that violate these Terms of Use or our Privacy Policy, errors or bugs or actual or potential threats to the security of the Website and protection of your personally identifiable information, please contact us at info@healthasion.com or 812 Crest Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024.